Hydrohex and virtual aqua fitness have quickly become the norm in the Finnish market and virtual aqua fitness has found its starting point here. Because of the high interest in Finland, Hydrohex tried to expand to the Swedish market during the autumn of 2020. The virtual aqua fitness service proved to be the right product at that time, and different swimming halls in Sweden saw it as a breath of fresh air during a tough pandemic. Since the re-launch in Sweden, we now have over 20 facilities that have jumped on the Hydrohex-train! One of the first locations to join was Bro swimming hall in Upplands-Bro.
From the beginning, the staff at Bro swimming hall saw Hydrohex as an opportunity to unburden the staff, as they were usually booked out. In addition to this initially, the goal was to collect as much information about the service as possible from their customers. Getting more aqua fitness services was also a bonus!

– I strongly believed in the idea already when I heard about Hydrohex and with the product, we now have a wider range of services. With Hydrohex, we have also managed to reach more customer groups, says Elin Lindblom supervisor, and instructor at Bro swimming hall
According to Lindblom, both men and younger people have started to work out more at their site, at the same time as Bro swimming hall has managed to keep its previous target groups. Hydrohex has been used both as a complement and in the form of hybrid sessions, where the instructor was standing next to the screen while the Hydrohex workout was on.
– One of my colleagues is usually with our customers in the pool during the session as well, says Lindblom.
Bro swimming hall initially focused on marketing the service and has thus managed to build a real Wow-experience. Lindblom believes that the virtual service has broadened the knowledge of their instructors.
”Personally, I think that Hydrohex is here to stay, and I cannot see our business without the virtual service anymore”
Elin Lindblom
Hydrohex has also been received positively in Ystad, a city that is known for its popular water training. According to Ystad Arena Bad’s operations manager Mia Fält, the idea was initially to use the service as a complement. Gradually the reason has changed and now they like the added value the service offers their customers. Bringing in a completely new service means that a change is happening, which can be a bit difficult at first for some of our customers, while others quickly liked the concept of Hydrohex.
– It takes a little time and work to get a new service implemented in the business, but then it starts to work. The collaboration with Hydrohex has worked well here and I like that we have a good and close dialogue, this creates a strong collaboration, says Fält.
With a new school year ahead, Ystad Arena Bad has it now easier to review the pool schedule and thus being able to expand the use of Hydrohex. If someone is ill, it is easy to have a virtual aqua fitness class instead of canceling the whole class. Fält likes how the service makes it possible for their customers to work out when it suits them. For example, if you do not have time to go to a session at 6 pm you can go at 7 pm instead.
Fält also sees virtual services as a future in several industries, which according to her, is something the bathing industry should review. In Ystad, Hydrohex is seen as a step in the right direction.
– This changes our services from being staff adapted to being more customer adapted. There are plenty of possibilities with Hydrohex. We are satisfied and proud to be one of the first with Hydrohex in Sweden, Fält says.

Opportunities with the service are also seen in Storuman. Pia Rindefalk Lingesten, who works as a bath coordinator for rheumatologists in Storuman community, consider it exciting and good with new ideas.

– I have started to be in the water with the groups myself since Hydrohex was introduced in Storuman’s swimming pool and it is much nicer. Our seniors think the movements are so clear underwater which leads to the movements being performed correctly, says Rindefalk Lingesten.
With Hydrohex the versatility contributes to continuity in the workout. You can also choose yourself if you want to do 20 seconds instead of 60 seconds in one movement.
– The relaxation and stretching programs are very good, many forget the importance of stretching. It is so important that everyone is able to work out, Rindefalk Lingesten says.
Her group mostly consists of +70-year-olds, where several are over 80 and one of the participants is 91 years old. In Storuman, there are also younger people who usually work out with Hydrohex and they have their own booked sessions during lunch.

– Every one of us here in Storuman wants Hydrohex, says Rindefalk Lindesten.