After the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Hydrohex made a new launch attempt in Sweden during the autumn of 2021. One of the facilities that quickly embraced this virtual trend was Rosenlundsbadet in Jönköping, Sweden.
Despite the swift decision, not all the staff members were initially convinced about the news.
“The operations in aquatic facilities are very traditional, and initially, I saw challenges in implementing a virtual service at Rosenlundsbadet,” says operations coordinator Jenni Hannikainen.
Looking back now, the facility’s staff is amazed at how smoothly all the processes unfolded. It’s not surprising, as Hydrohex training sessions started at Rosenlundsbadet approximately one month after the initial contact between the company and the facility.

Why Hydrohex
The decision to introduce Hydrohex at Rosenlundsbadet was made to complement their existing activities.
There was a high demand for water-based training, but there was a shortage of instructors. Additionally, during the autumn of 2021, Rosenlundsbadet needed to adapt its operations to the pandemic era.
“At first, it was an experimental phase with tests in two pools. It laid a good foundation, and in the summer of 2022, when it was introduced exclusively in Relaxen, the concept really took off and started to grow.”
Jenni Hannikainen, Operations Coordinator
No magic tricks
According to lifeguard Mikael Gustensson, who also currently serves as the Hydrohex coordinator for the training category, there are no magic tricks behind this upswing.
They have continued to explore and develop possibilities, taking feedback from customers into account and collaborating with Hydrohex representatives.
Rosenlundsbadet adjusted schedules and found training sessions for different customer groups. At the same time, Hydrohex has been a way for them to offer customers added value when they cannot provide live training groups.
“By tailoring the sessions to different customer segments, demand has increased. By using Hydrohex, we have started to focus on which times generate which types of customers. This has helped us plan and schedule our sessions more efficiently.”
Mikael Gustensson, Lifeguard
“There would probably be a revolt if we removed Hydrohex today”
According to Jenni and Mikael, Hydrohex has affected the facility and work in several ways. It has been an important addition to their existing operations, meeting high demand for water-based training. However, the implementation has also created some administrative work, such as scheduling the classes and getting the screen set up.
“It’s a routine that needs to be integrated, and it also requires more customer focus. However, with Hydrohex, we have a larger customer base, and there would probably be a revolt if we removed the service today.”
Mikael Gustensson, Lifeguard
Hydrohex’s role at Rosenlundsbadet is also seen in everyday life. Starting with sessions with only three participants, Rosenlundsbadet now has fully booked virtual sessions. The service has also created a new group of people who prefer to train virtually.
“I would say the recipe is a mix of continuous meetings with the Hydrohex team, who have helped us develop and optimize the service’s usage, and our willingness to give the service time. We have been curious and experimented to be able to offer it in this way today.”
Jenni Hannikainen, Operations Coordinator
New source of income
In addition to expanding their customer base, Hydrohex has also become a new source of income for Rosenlundsbadet. During the spring, the facility had ten scheduled training sessions per week, generating over 10,000 Swedish kronor per month.
Part of the revenue has been invested in a new program package from Hydrohex called “Children’s On-demand,” which allows families to engage in various swimming-related activities with their children.
“We believe that ‘Children’s On-demand’ will become even more popular in the autumn, and it can be a way to attract parents with children aged 3–6 to prepare for swim school.”
Jenni Hannikainen, Operations Coordinator
Furthermore, Mikael also points out that digitization has turned the service into a game-like activity for children, increasing interest.
Hydrohex has been a positive force for Rosenlundsbadet’s operations. By offering virtual training sessions, they have attracted new participant groups and provided a valuable complement to the facility’s traditional operations.
“It has required adaptation and development, but it has been a successful venture that has brought joy to our customers and the facility.”
Jenni Hannikainen, Operations Coordinator
As of the time of writing, there are nearly 30 facilities in Sweden using Hydrohex.
To make the most of the service, Mikael recommends simply daring to try it. Furthermore, according to him, it is essential to tailor the service to the customer and carefully consider how and where it can be used.
“I was sceptical at first, but today, the service is an important part of our offerings, and it has been interesting to follow the development both here and at Hydrohex.”
Mikael Gustensson, Lifeguard
During the Autumn, Rosenlundsbadet has ten scheduled Hydrohex training sessions in the calendar, and “Children’s On-demand” can be used during weekends.